Performing the Decision no. 22-NQTW dated 10/4/2013 of The Political Bureau on international integration, thanks to close interest from the Provincial Committee, People’s Committee and Council’s Committee, the provincial foreign affairs have been taken to the new step in term of politics, cultures, economics.
International cooperation
The province continue to develop the traditional relations with Luong Nam Tha province- the Lao People's Democratic Republic to cooperate on many fields such as education and training, infrastructure construction, experience exchange on socio-economy development. In May, 2014, Mr. Chu Ngoc Anh - Chairman and other leaders of Phu Tho province had a working trip to Luong Nam Tha province to attend the hand-over ceremony of the Police’s Hospital in Luong Nam Tha supported by Phu Tho province and to evaluate the cooperation results for years and propose cooperation content in the following time. In this year, the province welcomed the Ambassador and the Embassy delegation of Lao People’s Democratic Republic to Hanoi and the delegation from Luong Nam Tha leaded by Mr. Phim Ma Son Luong Kham Ma, the Central Party Member, the provincial Secretary and president. The Department of Foreign Affair together with the provincial Labor Federal, the Provincial Women Union, the Health Department welcomed and worked with the delegation of Luong Nam Tha’s Labor Federal, Women Union and Health Department.
Mr. Hoang Dan Mac - Phu Tho Provincial Secretary received the gift from Luong Nam Tha Prefecture
Currently, Hung Vuong Univeristy providing some training courses for 29 students from Luong Nam Tha, 9 students from U Dom Xay and Phong Sa Ly.
To cooperate with Nara- Japan: In 2014, Phu Tho has sent two delegations to the 4th and 5th South East Asia Local Government Convention. The delegations also visited Nara, Japan; to sign the memorandum for strengthening the bilateral relationship with Nara, expand the exchanges and cooperation with local government in SEA region. In the coming time, both sides will pay more effort to cooperate in term of economy, culture, agriculture, education, tourism and boosting the investment in 2015. Nara suggested scholarship for 2 students from Phu Tho to study in Nara province; annually welcome officials for internship in Nara and send the fork art team to perform in Hung King Festival in 2015. Nara province also proposed our province to make favorable conditions to introduce Japanese products and culture in Phu Tho at Hung King Death Anniversary in 2015 and grow cherry in Viet Tri.
To cooperate with Hwaseong- Korea ( cooperation relationship from 2005). Currently, two sides are implementing the exchange activities, boosting the friendship and trading, investment, culture exchange and education. The working trip of Hwaseong Parliament –Korea to the province early this year agreed to support for infrastructure in some schools in the province and the exchange of officials between two sides. In November, 2014, the provincial delegations including officers and leaders have visited to Hwaseong to discuss about the bilateral relations. As expected in 2015, the president of the city and some Korean enterprises will visit our province to work for the investment into our province when the Noi Bao- Lao Cai Highway can give paths to some industrial zones; to discuss about the training cooperation with Hung Vuong University.
To cooperate with Shanxi- China: In this year, the delegation from Shanxi had a working trip to Phu Tho. Two sides desire to strengthen the relations between two provinces. In the following time, two provinces will focus on exchanges and cooperation in term of agriculture, culture – tourism.
This year, in addition to the cooperation with foreign local governments, Phu Tho province has sent the delegations to US, India, Korea, Russia, Czech to boost the investment and learn from their experiences. Phu Tho also sent mission to take part in 9th Convention, Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 UNESCO Convention in France; welcomed the delegation of the Embassy of Finland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, US in Vietnam to visit and work in the province.
With Foreign NGO
The number of the foreign NGO in Phu Tho has been increased both quantity and quality. The relationship with foreign NGO has been continuously expanded and focused. Up to late 2014, the total committed funds from 30 NGOs and other foreign organizations into projects being implemented in Phu Tho is US$ 6 millions, equivalent VND 126 billions. In which, the committed fund for 2014 is US$ 3.1 millions while the disbursement value reached US$ 3.6 millions. With the attention from PACCOM, the Department of Foreign Affairs has made effort for more projects for Doan Hung, Tam Nong, Yen Lap; Christmas gifts and medical project value reached nearly US$ 600,000, equivalently VND 12 billions.
The activities of unity of provincial friendship organizations and some people’s friendship associations such as: Friendship associations of Viet- Czech, Viet- Slovakia, Viet-Laos, Viet-China are gradually implementing with some initial achievements, which is the important factors contributing actively to the foreign affair work of the Party, the State. It is also the terminal points for approaching funds from foreign NGO. During this year, these unions have implemented some foreign NGO projects with the value up to US$ 100,000.
Groundbreaking ceremony of Chan Mong secondary school
The promotion of investment, direct investment from foreign countries has been done with some achievements. During this year, our province has granted investment certificate for 29 projects, including 8 direct investment projects with total investment fund of US$ 19.47 millions, the project value reached VND 967 billions; some projects are now shortening the schedule to late 2014, early 2015.
Foreign affairs in term of Culture.
The foreign affairs in term of culture have gained many achievements, which contributes to the provincial position. The successful organization of Hung King Death Anniversary in 2014 with diversified arts. The communication agents have boosted the communication and propaganda on cultural heritage and “Hat Xoan Phu Tho” and “Hung King Worship” to peoples in the country and in foreign countries. Especially, the trip led by Mr. Ha Ke San, vice chairman of the province to the 9th Convention, Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 UNESCO Convention in France. “Hat Xoan Phu Tho” is now persuaded to change from the list of urgent preservation to the international heritage in 2016. Besides, the Korean Film Week was held in Viet Tri in May, 2014; the performance by Bollywood stars, the attendance by the delegation of Culture and Art Federal to to 21st international Art in Korea and so on have contributed to enhance the culture foreign affairs of the province.
Consul management work
Adopting the Directive no. 21-CT/TW of the Secretary Board on enhancing the thrift practices and waste combat among officials going oversea. Following the directive no. 38-CT/TW dated 21/7/2014 of the Political Bureau on boosting the management of delegation on oversea trips, the Department has carried out the procedure work for 83 delegations including 252 turns of officials and officers of the province to go oversea for investment survey, market research, commerce promotion and learning from friend’s experience in accordance with the regulations. The Department also reported to the Provincial Council on proposing to the Ministry of Public Security to grant APEC member cards to 97 businessmen’s from 04 enterprises in the province, who could meet the requirements suggested by the APEC forum.
In 2014, there are 210 delegations including 1,269 foreigner turns visiting and working in our province. From August, the Department of Foreign Affairs was authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to receive dossiers from foreigners working in the province and certify their consular registration. This work has contributed to the administration reform.
In addition, the Department has consulted the provincial leaders to hold the welcoming program for hundreds oversea Vietnamese to Hung King Death Anniversary 2014, which expresses the profound humanism, affirming the Vietnamese community in foreign countries to be the integral part of the nation.
With the attention from the provincial leaders, the provincial People’s Committee has issued the Proposal no. 3935/ĐA-UBND on developing the foreign affair information in the stage 2013-2020. Together with the special issue of the Department of foreign affairs, which was published by the Department of Information and Communication, the Department of Foreign Affairs has issued the bilingual Foreign Affair Bulletin, which will be issued for every two months and the E-gate. All of these works will contribute to the advertisement, introduction of potentials, strengths and preferential investment policies of the province to attract the investment of domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises.
To start 2015, the Department of Foreign Affairs will actively give best consultancy to the Provincial Committee, PPC to promote the comprehensive international integration in accordance with the conditions of the province. In addition to maintaining the traditional relationship with Japan, South Korea, China, Laos to expand and search for potential partners, the Department of Foreign Affairs will search for help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Vietnam missions in foreign countries as well as representative offices of foreign countries in Vietnam to take advantage of the resources for socio-economy development; The Department of Foreign Affairs also give consultancy for reforming administrative procedures, creating an open investment environment in all fields of economy, culture, education and people exchange; for accelerating the state management for delegations into and out from the province and for foreign NGOs in the Province. In addition, the Department calls for aid of foreign NGOs, striving higher investment value in the next years; The Department of Foreign Affairs also well implemented the propaganda about the potential strength of the province, promotion of cultural values so that contributing to helping Hat Xoan Pho Tho out of the state of emergency protection in 2016. /.
Do Ngoc Dung